ICSI can help in Infertility

Infertility can be caught if a couple after having unprotected sex, but unable to get pregnant.  Men or women can face infertility problem. Many times, it is because both partners and no cause can be found. That is called unexplained infertility.  Generally an ovulation problem, blockage of the fallopian tubes, or sperm problems are cause of infertility.
There are treatments that are specifically for men or for women including drugs, assisted reproductive technology, and surgery. Best fertility specialist said that ICSI may be recommended when there is a reason that fertilization may be difficult. ICSI is most often used with male infertility factors. Male infertility factors are such as low sperm counts, poor motility or movement of the sperm, poor sperm quality, sperm that lack the ability to penetrate an egg. Men’s infertility occurs due to alcohol and drug use, toxins, smoking, age, health problems like obesity, medicines like testosterone, radiation, excessive testicular heat, and chemotherapy.
After perform the steps of ICSI, doctor check the fertilization. If it is successful, the embryo transfer procedure is used to physically place the embryo in the woman’s uterus. The fertility specialist may ask for blood test or ultrasound to determine if implantation and pregnancy have occurred. At the top rated infertility clinic, many couples treated for infertility go on to have babies.
ICSI also helps some couples obtain a baby when a female is not able to conceive. Male partner’s sperm is used to fertilize the donor woman’s egg, and that other woman carries the fetus.
Men with infertility should consider making an appointment with a doctor who specializes in managing infertility. The Vrinda Fertility clinic is the best fertility clinic at Noida. You can visit for a solution to your infertility.


  1. Nice Content.
    Thanks for providing valuable information.
    ICSI Treatment is a successful procedure for the fertilization process in Women. If you want any Kind of Treatment such as IVF, IUI And ICSI then you can come to Our ICSI Centre - Dr. Sumita Sofat Hospital in Ludhiana.


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