
Showing posts from April, 2020

Secondary infertility: Why can’t I get pregnant a second time?

If getting pregnant the first time around was a cinch, you may have expectations that you’d be able to score a second pregnancy just as easy. For many couples, however, that’s not always the case. S econdary infertility and its cause s Secondary infertility is a failure to conceive for a second time. It is a very common condition and about 50 percent of infertility cases are of secondary infertility. It is most common amongst women  in their late 30s or early 40s.   Most probably the cause is related to the complications caused during the prior delivery which could be like, harm to the uterus. But, quite often the causes are the same as was with primary infertility such as the advancing age, ovulation issues, excessive w eight, and so on. O ther causes like- you are with a new person, you have  new health problems, and more could even impact your fertility health. For checking your status you can contact with an  IVF in  Noida .   Few ...

Failing to Conceive? Check these signs of Infertility

There are various signs of fertility issues and various risk factors have been attached to it that make it even more difficult for one to get pregnant. Infertility is determined by how long a couple is trying to conceive unsuccessfully. If it has been around a year or over 6 months for women of 35 or above age, then it is advised that you should consult that  best fertility specialist  available near you. We have compiled a few common signs that indicate you are more prone to be infertile. Uneven Menstrual Cycles - During your teenage age, it could be possible that you are having irregular periods, as the body takes a bit to get regulated. But once passing that age, your periods should be regular. If your menstrual cycle is short i.e. less than 24 days  or long i.e. more than 35 days a nd if this uncertainty is, even more, means you don't get your periods at all, you should consult  fertility clinic for women   as early as you can.  Bleeding a...