Failing to Conceive? Check these signs of Infertility

There are various signs of fertility issues and various risk factors have been attached to it that make it even more difficult for one to get pregnant. Infertility is determined by how long a couple is trying to conceive unsuccessfully. If it has been around a year or over 6 months for women of 35 or above age, then it is advised that you should consult that best fertility specialist available near you. We have compiled a few common signs that indicate you are more prone to be infertile.

Uneven Menstrual Cycles-During your teenage age, it could be possible that you are having irregular periods, as the body takes a bit to get regulated. But once passing that age, your periods should be regular. If your menstrual cycle is short i.e. less than 24 days or long i.e. more than 35 days and if this uncertainty is, even more, means you don't get your periods at all, you should consult fertility clinic for women as early as you can. 

Bleeding and cramps- If you bleed in-between three to seven days, it's fine. Yet, if the bleeding is very light or heavy, you should consult a doctor. Other issues that could indicate a fertility concern are changes in bleeding heaviness, changes in the length of the bleeding day, menstrual cramps, etc.
Age factor- The fertility in both the sexes tends to drop with the growing age. The infertility risk starts growing at 35 and continues to grow with time. Even those women getting pregnant after 35 are likely to experience miscarriage and to have a child with an inherent disease. Male even have fertility issues with the growing age but not as drastic as is the case with women. Their sperm quality and quantity tend to decrease.
Chronic IllnessesChronic illnesses like diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc and their treatment could lead to infertility. Periodic intake of Insulin, antidepressants, and thyroid hormones could affect the menstrual cycle and hence lead to fertility issues. 


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