Azoospermia: Types, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Azoospermia is the medical condition in the men in which no sperm is found in their semen after orgasm. As we all know, after one year of unprotected sex, still pregnancy does not occur means either man or woman or maybe both are suffering from infertility problems. Azoospermia is one of the causes of men's infertility. According to the research, approx 40% of men have infertility issues in which 10%-15% of the infertile men have azoospermia . We discussed this topic with one of the best fertility specialists , Dr. Anushka Madan , she told us about their types, causes, and the treatment. Let’s see the types of Azoospermia : Pre-testicular azoospermia : It is non-obstructive and it is caused by the poor production of sex hormones that stop to produce sperms. Testicular azoospermia : It is also non-obstructive and it is caused by some defects in the structuring and functioning of testicles. Post-tes...