Endometriosis And its Risk Factors

Endometriosis is a painful disease that is usually formed inside the uterus and is similar to the tissue that ordinarily lines the inside of a uterus that is endometrium and it starts to develop outside the uterus. Endometriosis generally affects ovaries, pelvis lining, and fallopian tubes. A study by LANCET in 2016 gave a shocking number that around the world about 10 million women are affected due to it. So for its treatment one needs to look at the best fertility specialist. It is generally perceived by women in the age group of 30 to 45 but can even affect girls as young as 12 years of age.
 Few symptoms associated it with are:
  • Excessive pain during periods
  • Intercourse pain
  • Pain during urination or bowel movement during the menstruation
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Infertility
  • Women more often experiencing diarrhea, fatigue, and constipation

 Risk factors of Endometriosis :
  •  Family history
  • If normal menstrual flow conditions are affected
  • A weak immune system could put one at heavier the risk to endometriosis
  • A person with abdominal surgery is at a heavier risk to be affected with endometriosis.

Endometriosis affects on fertility
Several causes could be relatable to endometriosis making one infertile. Firstly as we know it affects the ovaries and the fallopian tubes and an egg for fertilization passes through both of them before reaching the fallopian tube lining. If endometriosis is developed in the fallopian tube it prevents egg movement to the uterus. Secondly, endometriosis even has seen damaging either the sperm or the eggs due to higher inflammation levels developed in the body. Thirdly there are present pieces of evidence that imply that women with endometriosis issues have unusual uterus functioning. There is a reduction in implantation and even high chances of miscarriage.
If you are worried about the above effects so you can consult one of the best fertility clinics, Vrinda Fertility Center for further information.


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